Oct 14, 2009

Guru Bhakthi

Iam sure this term is outdated for this generation..

Beauty of gurukul system is that student completely surrenders to Guru and accepts that Guru knows it all and he/she will be the guiding light.

To some extent,my dance training so far followed this system.
I completely trusted my dance teachers..I never question back their intention..never ! I never ask them why didn't you teach me this or why am I not performing this time..I completely surrendered to my gurus.I tell myself that my teacher knows the best.She knows when am ready for that next milestone.Truth is they did know when am ready and they did push me to excel :)

But today I see the change in my own perspective.Whenever I enrol in workshops,dance courses,Iam forced to ask what will I be learning from this workshop,which package should I opt for , whats the per hour fee ? Is this "instructor" good ?

I sense more business/commercialization rather than true sense of learning art.
I see instructor as someone who provides value/service rather than "teacher"..

Concept of Guru bhakthi seem to fade away ..

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